Grant opportunity with Newton Fund Vietnam

Newton Programme Vietnam is now offering Newton Fund Researcher Links Regional Workshop (South East Asia) grants dedicated to research institutions

Newton Fund Researcher Links Regional Workshop bring together early-career researchers from the UK and other regional partner countries including Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research.
Joint applications are made by senior researchers from the partner countries who lead the workshop. Once funded, grants are available for early-career researchers in the UK and the partner countries to attend and participate.

Research priorities:
1.Health and life sciences
2.Improving environmental resilience and energy security
3.Future cities
5.Digital innovation for development
Maximum grant size: £45K
Note: Match funding is expected to be agreed through the Vietnamese institution to cover the venue, staff cost for workshop organisation, travel cost and accommodation of Vietnam ECRs. A supporting letter must be provided by the Vietnamese institution agreeing to cover these costs
Deadline: 19 September 2017, 16:00 UK time
Please contact at UK-ResearcherLinks@britishcouncil.orgor or telephone number +84 (0)24 3728 1926 (Ms Giang Nguyen, Higher Education Manager (Science and Innovation), British Council in Vietnam) for further information.
