GBA Business Challenge 2021 – A chance for young talents

A chance for young talents ready to make a difference – the German Business Association looks again for Business Ideas that would not only be promising in an economical aspect but ideally solve an issue for the better.

The criteria

  • Feasible and realistic
  • Not yet on the market
  • Can be realized within 1 year
  • Application and presentation in English language
  • Open for participants over 18 years
  • Business idea from Vietnam

Teams with good ideas who feel they match the criteria can compete against each other and win prize money of VND 240 million* to turn their business idea into reality.

Step 1: Apply in the online form:

Step 2: Wait for the feedback, the jury will select the top 20 who will receive professional training by the Vietnamese-German University and work out a convincing Business Plan

Step 3: The jury will select the top 5 who will pitch at our GBA Monthly Business Meeting in December to win the GBA Business Challenge!

Candidates will be invited to submit their ideas to the GBA in English language in an online questionnaire – click here to apply>>>

Click here to learn more about the GBA Business Challenge in 2020 and the winners and their projects >>>​
