The training course on “Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology” under DU program sponsored by the Embassy of France was held in Ha Noi University of Pharmacy from 5th to 9th December 2016.

The training course on “Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology” taught by well experienced professors coming from Bordeaux university, the Republic of France belonging DU program sponsored by the Embassy of France was held in Ha Noi University of Pharmacy from 5th to 9th December 2016.​ 

In the framework of cooperation between Hanoi University of Pharmacy and Bordeaux University belonging DU program sponsored by the Embassy of France, Prof. Driss Berdai and Prof. Annie Reglat together with assistant lecturers of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics and Management gave lectures in  the training course on “Advanced Drug Epidemiology for lecturers, graduate students and researchers of Pharmacoeconomics and Management from 5th to 9th December, 2016 at the Hanoi University of Pharmacy.

The participants of this course highly appreciated its professional quality and new approaches of the problem in each content taught by well experienced professors coming from Faculty of Pharmacy, Bordeaux University, the Republic of France.

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Lecturers, assistant lecturers and organizing commiittee


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Group photo
