Meeting with the consortium of Gachon University (16-25 February 2016) -HUP 2020 Project

As previously reported, under the framework of the project "Developing Hanoi University of Pharmacy to become a National Specialized University meeting Regional standards by 2020”, in the afternoon of 17th December 2015, Hanoi University of Pharmacy held successfully the contract signing ceremony of the package "Consulting services of basic and detailed design, procurement support and construction supervision" with the Consortium of Gachon University, Sunjin Engineering & Architecture Co. Ltd, Yeungnam University. Accordingly, the Consortiumvisitedand worked with theHa Noi University of Pharmacyfrom 16 to25 February 2016.

The objective of the visit is to overview/ assess the entire project and to survey/ evaluate the needs of the Employer and the development orientation of Hanoi University of Pharmacy in the next period, contributing to the effective use of the budget. The delegation included Prof. Sang Cheol Chi- Project Manager, Mr. Hwan Mook Kim- Expert in Pharmacy Equipment, Prof. Chul Soon Yong- Expert in Pharmacy Education, and Mr. Yong Boo Park- Expert in University Management.

As planned, in the morning of 16 February 2016, the welcome and kick-off meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prof. Nguyen Dang Hoa- HUP Rector, HUP 2020 Director and with the attendance of all members of PMU. During nearly 4 working hours, two sides entered into an agreement on the cooprative machaism, detailed work plan and some important points during the design and construction of HUP campus in Bacninh.

In the afternoon of 16 February 2016, Prof. Nguyen Thanh Binh- HUP Vice-Rector, HUP 2020 Vice-Director chaired theworking session oninformation system of administration between two campuses and clarified the list of documents requested by Consortium. At 15h30 of the same day, all people travelled to Bacninh city and examinedthe current status ofthe projectland.

Following thework program, in the morning of 17February 2016, Prof.ThaiNguyenHungThu- HUPRector, HUP 2020 Vice-Directorchairedthe working sessionofthe training programat theHanoiUniversity of Pharmacy. Prof. Nguyen ManhTuyen- a PMUmember, Dr. Vu XuanGiang- Head of Undergraduate Training Department andAssoc. Prof. NguyenSongHa-Head ofPostgraduate Training Department gave presentationsintroducingpharmaceuticaltraining systeminVNandat Hanoi University ofPharmacy.From theConsortium's side, Prof.YongChul-Soon made a presentationintroducingpharmaceuticaltraining systemin South Korea,the USand Japan. The two sidesthenexchanged, discussedthe issuesrelated tothe scale of training, practicallabsystems, trainingandresearchorientation.

From 22-23 / 2/2016, Ha Noi University of Pharmacy, led by Prof. Nguyen Thanh Binh andthe Consortium paid a visit to Ton Duc Thang UniversityandRMITUniversityinHo Chi Minh City with the aim of sharing experienceondevelopmentorientation, university management/administration plan, strategies in trainingandscientific research.

Besides, HUP also organized the visits to departments, institutes, units at the current campus at Le Thanh Tong Street and Library, Dormitory in Tho Lao to help the Consultant have a general view about HUP'scurrent situation.

On 25 February 2016, The two sides had a wrap-up meeting to conclude all main contents which were discussed and agreed by two sides. Both sides planned to hold weekly meeting on every Tuesday between Representatives of the Consortium and Representatives of HUP 2020 PMU to update the project progress and timely solve all works under the contract framework.

Here are some pictures about the working visit:

Anh hop.JPG
The whole picture of the kick-off meetingAnh thuc dia.JPG

HUP 2020 land in Bacninh city


Visit Ton Duc Thang University- HCM city

Tham quan RMIT1.JPG

Visit RMIT University
