Hanoi University of Pharmacy visit to Europe (April, 2011)
At the invitation of the President of Pierre Fabre group, November 2, 2011, the senior delegation of Hanoi University of Pharmacy visited and explored possibilities for cooperation with Toulouse 3 University and Pharmacology Research Institute.
The delegation was also visiting some Pierre Fabre’s units: Complex Research Centers, Manufacturing Material Plants, Conservation Areas, Cosmetics – Drug manufacturing plants. During the visit, the two sides exchanged information on the contents of the inter-regional training programs “ Master of Science - MSc Pharmacy - granted by the European and sponsored by Pierre Fabre with the aim of improving the quality of postgraduate training for three countries: Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. This program is going to be carried out in September, 2012, and a conference between four countries’ representatives will be held in Hanoi on planning recruitment and organizing training.

Working visit to Toulouse 3 University, France
The delegation was also formally welcomed by Mr Pierre Fabre in his palace at Domain de Carla. In the talks with Prof. Jean Cros (Science Advisor of Pierre Fabre group) and Mr Philippe Berganou (General Director of Pierre Fabre group ), the two sides primarily agreed some contents oriented in the development of scientific research activities of Hanoi University of Pharmacy (HUP):
- Supporting HUP in building up orientation and / strategic development of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology.
- Providing HUP with consultation in establishment and development of research labs.
- Holding training courses for expertise groups in major fields.

The delegation was officially received by Mr Pierre Fabre at his mansion
Continueing the trip to Europe, the delegation paid a working visit toTrieste University in Italy. The two sides have signed a basic agreement on the development of co-operation in training, doing research and exchanging lecturers and students. Trieste University has promised to receive undergraduates and post-graduates in the exchange programs at Trieste University such as:
1- short period probation for students who can speak Italian (6-12 months)
2- short period probation/ study for post-graduates, masters and PhDs (1-6 months)
3- co-operation in scientific research
4- short period training courses for HUP post-graduates in nano technology and some other strong points of Trieste University
5- co-operation with HUP in holding training courses, surveys at Trieste University for Vietnamese expert groups in some strong points of Italy in Pharmacy and Biology. At the end of the working visit, the delegation had a discussion with Sapienza University on the detailed plan for the school year 2012.

Working visit to Trieste University, Italy
At the end of the trip the delegation paid a working visit to Groningen University, the Netherlands at an official invitation of the NUFFIC project. The two sides had a practical discussion on a list of activities under NPT-VNM-240 project such as adjusting, specifying and preparing the monitoring, evaluating, and resuming activities as well as organizing conferences. On the visit, the high ranking representatives of the two Universities also discussed the posibilities for cooperation between two sides in the coming time period in training, doing research and exchanging students and lecturers. Both sides came to an agreement on the financial support within the framework of Protocol and EU fundings in cooperation in research and development of the new drugs from natural combinations and other studies related to medicines and treatments for tuberculosis.

Working with the experts from Groningen University, the Netherlands
During the visit the delegation also organized meetings and talks with HUP teachers and students presently working at universities in France, Italy, and the Netherlands. At the meetings Asso. Prof., Ph.D Le Viet Hung, Rector and Asso. Prof., Ph.D Thai Nguyen Hung Thu provided information on the development stratergies of HUP to improve the quality of training and doing research.