Hanoi University of Pharmacy have celebrated 50 years of construction and development, receiving the title of Labor Hero

​11/11/2011 morning at school space ground , Hanoi University of Pharmacy held a solemn ceremony0f 50 years of construction and development, received the title of Labour Hero.

Minister of Health, Ass.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, member of Party Central Committee authorized by the President attended and would like to add Labor Hero Awards to the traditional flag of the school and awarded Labor Hero flags for the leaders, union president,trade union school secretary, the former Mr. Rector. Attending also were the representatives of the departments , the Ministry of Health, Ministry, of Education and Training, many others  representing the central bodies, local authorities, international organizations, the media agencies,  the former school leaders, the senior teachers, civil servants, teachers at different times and former students of the School from all parts of the country
Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan sent a congratulatory bouquet to the school.
Making a speech at the ceremony ,Ass.Prof. Dr. Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, Vice rector ,on behalf of the school leadership made a review over that period  of 50 years of construction and development, almost one hundred years of training pharmacists, generations of teachers, students, school staffs and employees have contributed to the development of pharmaceutical sector and improvement of public health care .
Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of the leadership of the Ministry of Health ,Ass.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, commissioner of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Health congratulated and praised the achievements of Hanoi University of pharmacy, stated: As the leading school in the field of Pharmacy, for the last50 years, Hanoi University of Pharmacy has contributed greatly in training of human resources of pharmacy for health sector, especially highly qualified  pharmaceutical human resources. Many generations of pharmacists have grown from the school with political moral stability, expertise, high ability to overcoming all difficulties to complete their tasks and contribute effectively for stable development of  the country's pharmaceutical industry .
The school is a typical  unit which makes continuous efforts and overcomes all difficulties and striving to successfully fulfill the tasks of education, training and strictly observes  regulations and discipline in teaching and learning , becoming one of the leading centers of the country in pharmaceutical research and application of research results into practice.
During  the integration process of the country in general, the pharmaceutical industry in particular, the Minister noted the university Party Committee , school leaders and teachers ,  students of the school should carry on confirming the role, the position of the leading School of Pharmacy of the country, being good examples of the health sector, regularly updated, keeping upgrading education program , maintaining the brand, improving the quality and training.
Strengthening international cooperation, actively expanding joint training with other pharmaceutical universities bring the pharmaceutical industry of the country abreast of the countries in the region and the world as well as highlighting medical ethics for students, providing the country with pharmacists with morality and excellent professionalism for better community health care are also the important mission of the University 
Some pictures during the ceremony
Ass.Prof.Dr. Thai Nguyen Hung Thu,Vice Rector,on behalf of the school leaders making a speech at the ceremony
Dr. Tran Duc Long, Head of Legal Department announced the decision of State President on awarding 
Ass.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Tien authorized by the President decorated the Labor Hero Award on the traditional flag of the school  
The generation of school leaders and representatives of Trade Union, Youth Union received the flag and Labor Hero
Ass.Prof.Dr Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, Minister of Health congratulated the school
Ass.Prof..Dr Le Viet Hung gave the Minister flowers for expression of gratitude
Ass.Prof Dr Thái Nguyễn Hùng Thu, Vice Rector received the emulation flag of the outstanding unit given by Ministry of Education and Training in 2011
