Getting vote of credits for appointing and reappointing the title of Vice Rector

​In order to get vote of credits for appointing and reappointing the title of Vice Rector, a staff assembly was held on December 8th, 2011 and chaired by the Rector of Hanoi University of Pharmacy and Personnel Department (Ministry of Health).

Attending the assembly were HUP Party Committee, University Management Board, Trade Union Committee,  Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh, Heads, Deputy Heads of Departments, Centers, equivalent units under the university, party members, state officials with university degree.

Based on the criteria of appointing staff regulated by the current State law, HUP Party committee agreed to make a proposal to on appointing A. Prof – Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Head of Post-graduate training department to be the Vice Rector and reappointing the two Vice Rectors Ass. Prof - Dr. Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, Ass. Prof - Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa during the working session of 5 years. Mr. Pham Van Tac, the junior staff member  (Ministry of Health), Head of Personnel Department directly operated the vote of confident process on appointing the the title of Vice Rector. Ass. Prof – Dr. Le Viet Hung, HUP Party Secretary – Rector  ran the process of reappointing the title of Vice Rector, each step of which was done seriously, objectively and democratically.
Some pictures of the asembly
MA. Le Phan Tuan , Excutive Committee of staff asembly on getting the vote of credits for appointing and reappointing the title of Vice Rector
Mr. Pham Van Tac,  the junior staff member , Head of Personnel Department (Ministry of Health) giving instructions to get the vote of credits
Ass. Dr Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, Vice Rector reporting the results of tasks performed during the working session (2007 – 2011)
Ass. Dr Nguyen Dang Hoa, Vice Rector Vice Rector reporting the results of tasks performed during the working session (2007 – 2011)
Pharmacist Do Hung Vuong, Head of Personnel Department giving instructions on  the process of getting the vote
Staff  joining the vote
