Ceremony for receiving the third class Labour Medal and the 83rd Anniversary of Establishing the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

On the 22nd March 2014, Hanoi University of Pharmacy solemnly celebrated a ceremony for rewarding the third class Labour Medal to Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and three Lecturers who have contributed their efforts to the cause of education and training of the university.

Attending the ceremony were Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Health and the representatives from the departments of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Nguyen Van Thang, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth Union at Hanoi, Mr.Nguyen Thien Tu, Standing Vice President of Hanoi city Students’ Association and representatives from many universities belonging to Ha Noi Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Group 1. From the university side, there were the members of the Party Committee- the Directorate Board, the Trade Union Committee, the HCM Communist Youth Union as well as the former secretaries of the Union, Heads, Deputy Heads of Departments, staffs and students of HUP.

Being authorized by the State President, Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Healthawarded the Third Class Labor Medal for the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Hanoi University of Pharmacy and three lecturers who have made ​​a significant contributions to HUP consisting of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Pham Thi Minh Hue and MA Nguyen Do Thu Hoai.

At the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Healthcongratulated and praised the outstanding achievements made by HUP Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in particular and teachers and students in general. Hanoi University of Pharmacy has contributed greatly in training human resources for health sector, especially highly qualified pharmaceutical human resources. During  the integration process of the country in general, the pharmaceutical branch in particular, the Vice Minister reminded the university’s Party Committee, university leaders and teachers, students should carry on confirming the role, the position of the leading pharmaceutical university of the country, regularly update, and keep upgrading education program appropriately. Strengthening international cooperation, actively expanding joint training with other pharmaceutical universities at the regional and international level as well as highlighting medical ethics for students, providing the country with pharmacists with morality and excellent expertise for better community health care are also the important missions of the University.

Assoc.Prof.,Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Secretary of Party Committee-Rector on behalf of all staffs and students received the direction of the Vice Minister Le Quang Cuong and sent the sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Tien - Minister of Health and Leaders from departments of the Ministry of Health, Hanoi Communist Youth Union for creating the favorable conditions for HUP during the past years and look forward to receiving more attention in the future.

Immediately after the ceremony, HUP Communist Youth Union held the 83rd Anniversary of Establishing the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, a music program and scholarships sponsored by pharmaceutical companies granted for disadvantaged students.​

Some photos


​​​Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Health authorized by the State President rewarded the Third Class Labor Medal for the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Hanoi University of Pharmacy.​ IMG_3211.JPG

Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Health authorized by the State President rewarded the Third Class Labor Medal for three outstanding lecturers: (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Thi Minh Hue, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, MA. Nguyen Do Thu Hoai)


Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Health delivered a speech at the ceremony.


Assoc.Prof. Dr.Nguyen Dang Hoa - Party Secretary-Rector presented bouquet to thank Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong


The scene at the ceremony

