To study and grasp thoroughly the Resolutions of the 7th plenum of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (term XI).

To implement the plan No 50-KH/ĐUK dated 17/6/2013 of the Bloc Party Committee of Hanoi universities and colleges on studying, grasping and setting up the action programs approved by the Resolutions and Conclusions of the 7th plenum of theCommunist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (term XI).

On26th September 2013, the Party Committee of Hanoi University of Pharmacy held a conference for its party members and Head and Deputy Chief of departments to study and grasp the resolutions.

At the conference, Mr. Nguyen Tien Hoang, Directorof Central CommitteeforPropaganda, the conference speaker, delivered a talk on two resolutions and three conclusions of the 7th plenum of theCommunist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (term XI). Two resolutions involve "Strengthening and renovating the Party leadership in mass mobilization in the current situation " and "Proactive response to climate changes, increase the management of recourse and environmental protection". Three conclusions refer to "A number of issues on continuing innovation, improving the political system from the central to grassroots levels ", "Some issues of wage policy reform, social security, subsidies and reform orientations till 2020 " and "Acquiring people 's opinionsto complete the Draft Amendments of the 1992 Constitution."

The conference ongrasping thoroughly the 7th Resolution has completed the planned program contents. During the conference, the party members have expressed their sense of responsibilities, unified awareness of the importance of resolutions and conclusions by the Central Party Committee.

With this intensive political activity within the Party in general and in the Party Committee of Hanoi University of Pharmacy in particular, everyparty cellis required to set up the action program and implement the resolutions and conclusions by the 7th plenum of theCommunist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (term XI) effectively.

Mr. Nguyen Tien Hoang,Director of Department for Propaganda talking on the basic contents of the 7th plenum of theCommunist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (term XI)
The conference scene
