The speech at 50 year Anniversary of construction and development of HUP and getting Labour Hero Title (11.11.2011)

​On the morning of 11th November 2011, there was a solemn ceremony celebrating 50 year Anniversary of construction and development of HUP and getting Labour Hero Title in HUP. On behalf of University leaders, Associate Professor Dr Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, Vice Rector, made an important speech at the ceremony. The organizer’s committee would like to introduce the whole speech by Associate Professor Dr Thai Nguyen Hung Thu.

Dear Associate Professor Dr Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, Party’s Central Committee member, Minister of Health.
Dear distinguished guests, venteran educators and teachers…
First, on be half of University leaders, teachers, other staff and students, I would like to give our deep thank to Party’s leaders, Government , representatives from all departments of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Training, representatives of central and local agencies, foreign organizations and media agencies. Especially, I would like to welcome former leader of our University venteran educators, former teachers and students from every part of country.
On this occasion, I would like to talk about our achievements gained during 50 years of construction and development, and withdraw some lessons to develop our University in the future.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On 29th September 1961, implementing the decision of MOH, Medical and Pharmaceutical University was divided into Medical University and HUP. From a pharmaceutical department in Medical and Pharmaceutical University , now HUP has built up a staff of 350 including 181 lecturers, 50 managing staff, 74 experts and technicians. HUP has 17 Associate Professors, 38 Dr, 75 MA, 56 BA.
I/ Training :
HUP is the unique pharmaceutical university which successfully overcomes difficulties in training, establishing principles in teaching and doing scientific researches. Our university has established good relationship with many universities, domestic and foreign organizations. Our university has tried to build university into a unit strong in political ideology, good at technical profession, pioneering in training highly educated for health care sector. It has made a good contribution to the cause of health care for the community.
Over the last 100 years , our University has trained 11,000 university pharmacists, over 2,000 specialist – pharmacists, over 600 MA and over 100 Dr. During the resistant war against the US, 407 students and 336 university pharmacists joined the army to support southern battle-field, 19 out of them died. Since 2000, our university has trained 4000 university pharmacists, over 300 specialist-pharmacists, 508 MA, 42 Dr and nearly 2000 retrained pharmaceutical staff . Our University ranks first in the enrollment, accounting for 70% of pharmaceutical labour .The training syllabus has been updated similar to European and international ones. Training quality is tightly controlled. The enrollment points are often high (23.5 - 27.5 ). Graduates are highly appreciated by employers and different organizations and take important parts in pharmaceutical field. Our University has coded 8 post graduate majors. It is also a good place to supply high- educated labour in pharmaceutical field. Among these majors, clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical economic management are trained only in our University.
We pioneer in training for social needs. We have trained thousands of university pharmacists, MA, specialist-pharmacists and help to hold retraining courses for many provinces. Especially, our university has co-operated with Military Medical School (QK7). Central College of Medical Technology No2 (Da Nang), Hai Duong Central High School of Pharmacy to organize inter-training courses to provide students with favorable study conditions. Seven courses have been enrolled so far with over 1000 students, over 200 out of whom have graduated and met the demand of pharmaceutical staff in the Southern, central provinces, Tay Nguyen and Southern as well as military units. Our University has been donated merit by Tay Ninh and Kien Giang People’s Committees and Head quarter No7. Our University also pays attention to training foreign students. We have trained 5 Dr, 12 MA, 150 university pharmacists and many post-graduates for Lao People’s Republic and Cambodia. Some students from France, USA, Sweden, the Netherlands, Mongolia, Thailand… have studied in our University. Our University has helped to build pharmacy departments in Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities through out the country such as HCM Medical and Pharmaceutical University (since 1976), Hue Medical University (since 1997), Thai Nguyen Medical University (since 2000), Thai Binh Medical University, Military Medical Academy…
Our University has set up good relationship with 30 organizations and universities in the world to co-operate and exchange in this field, which helps many staff and students in their work. Through this cooperation, we have had some projects to build and develop our University and pharmaceutical sector. In foreign cooperation, we always seriously observe the regulations on security.
II/ Scientific researches :
Hanoi University of Pharmacy (HUP) is one of the national leading universities in doing research and applying advanced technology in teaching, studying, managing, transferring to manufacture medicines. By doing so gives significant effects on the training and management of the university as well as the cause of people’s health care . From 1961 to now, HUP has had nearly 2000 scientific studies including 26 at state level s (3 given Ho Chi Minh awards) and 96 at ministrial level . These studies are related to actual manufacturing practice and effective in teaching and studying, most of which have been approved and got good results. These are typical ones in : investigating resources of medicinal plants and home remedies for the completion of a series : ‘ Vietnamese medicinal plant and medicines’ ; Neriolin, Palmatin, Strychnin, Rutin extract, menthol oil ; developing medicines for nephrolith, liver, gall and stomach problems; synthetic Paracetamol, Tolbutamid, Mebendazol; semi synthetic steroids, biosynthetic Oxytetraxyclin,6APA as the base of antibiotic technology; researches of lead poison, agents of anti-oxidization, methods of medicinal analysis and testing , building criteria of testing and taking part in the compilation of the Vietnamese Pharmacopoeia.
Many scientific studies of the university which have been the mass manufacturing items and have been transferred to the pharmaceutical companies are Pulmonal, Rheumatin (Enterprise No25), Paracetamol(Pharmaceutical corporation),fish oil capsule, vitamin A capsule (Hau Giang Pharmaceutical company ), Ampelop (Traphaco), Aslem (Vinphaco), Barium sulfate contrast medium, oil and products of Gac fruit (Mormodica cochinchinensis) (Hai Duong Pharmaceutical company), Artemisinin và Artesunat ( Duoc khoa company - material cost of over 200 billion VND, sufficienty for the domestic manufacture of anti-malaria medicine and the export to the WHO for global anti-malaria program).HUP successfully held the 2nd Indochina Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences  (2001) with the participants from 10 countries and has been actively preparing for the next conferences. University conferences on Science and Technology, Science conferences for post graduate have been held regularly. The young staff and students of the University have taken part in the fifteen of Youth conference on science and technology of the Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy in the country. There were 7 excellent awards, 18 first prizes, 22 second ones and 40 thirds ones given to the Universities teams. HUP has also implemented the application of science and technology in training and managing : computer based tests, the implementing of open source code software, online database hired for the library and National DI and ADR Centre.
III/ The staff development, machinery organization and social welfare :
Hanoi University of Pharmacy is one of the leading colleges in recruiting, fostering, training qualified lecturers persistent in politics, competent in foreign languages and has a large number of lecturers well-trained abroad. It constantly centers at training, cultivating and improving the quality of its staff. In the past ten years, the college has had 61 PhDs, 47 long term trained masters domestically and overseas, approximately 2000 students have taken short term courses, in turn . The rate of PhD and master education has increased regularly. Many stipulations and regulations have been introduced in order to attract the qualified and capable staff , in the meantime, the college has made a training grant to lecturers so that they can afford the courses for further qualification as well as has organized meetings, conferences to promote the staff and lecturers’ political and idealogical awareness.
Hanoi University of Pharmacy is also one of the leading colleges implementing well the Party’s policies, Governmental law and ensuring the staff’s and labourers’ rights. Having been well informed as to the history and tradition, the government, the Communists’ Party, political and social organizations, health care service, the image of Ho Chi Minh, thousands of staff, pupils and students took part in the contest, and many activities so as to respond favourably to the movement “ Study and follow the moral example of Ho Chi Minh and the movement “ say two Nos in education”. The college successfully organized the festival of competition: “ Tell stories about the moral example of Ho Chi Minh, in which the units of health care service won the first prize
Hanoi University of Pharmacy is the first unit of health care sector to accomplish well the Decree 43/CP on financial self controlling and has doubled the
staff’s income. The University has provided more equipment, facilities to the departments, auditoriums, student hostel, promoted cultural and spiritual life, set up the regulations and carried out trade-union activities such as encouragement, visits, assistance. The University has also implemented different plans such as subscription, charity and other socially humane activities amounting to hundreds of million Vietnam dongs. Its Youth Union and Student association have led the Youth voluntary movement.
Hanoi University of Pharmacy is a United community joining forces to develop the University, provide health care and protective service to the community. The University communists’ committee has always well fullfilled its duty for 10 the last years and has been regarded faithful and powerful. The management board, Trade Union, Youth Union, Students’ Association have always been solidly based with many awards. Even though there were weak points , they were entirely solved without any bad impact on the training quality, University’s prestige and no case was disciplined.
To remain and sustain its achievements, the college has to carry out the following political measures:
1. Keep on implementing the movement of “say two Nos in education” and the policy of renovating the administration system, improving higher education quality, promoting the training to meet the social needs and the requirements of The Ministry Training and Education .
2. Develop the University’s firm union, powerful communists’ team, capably and energetically management board, implementing the democratic regulations,open financial report, student admission, recruitment and appointment.
3. Promote the movement of patriotic emulation, take care of materialistic and mental life of the staff and students. Develop the University powerful party committee, trade union, enthusiastic and outstanding movements of Youth Union and Student Association.
Having given the great dedication to the country and the whole society, the college has been awarded with many honourable names and medals, such as Resistance War Medal Third class (1973), Freedom Medal First class by Democratic Republic of Lao in 1983, Labour Decoration First, second and third class . Independence medal Third class (2006). And today our honour and pride will multiply when Hanoi College of pharmacy has been bestowed on the name of labour hero, a precious to award to confirm the University’s great dedications in the development of health care service, in the cause of building and protecting our homeland. The Award also encourages our staff to bring into play the tradition, contribute significantly to all-sided innovation cause of health care sector in order to meet the requirements of our industrialization and modernization cause with the intensively international integration.
In this solemn ceremony, we would like to express deep gratitude towards the consideration of the Party and Government leadership during the past periods. We would like to show our respect to the professors, veteran teachers, who became fond of the University’s development cause during 50 years. We also express our gratitude towards our staff, who are enthusiastic and professional contributing quietly and persistently to creation of today’s posture of Hanoi University of Pharmacy.
We have the honour and privilege to thank the local residents for assisting our college during the Resistance War, evacuation time with endless emotional ties.
We would like to thank the provinces and cities, colleges, junior colleges, health care centers, research institutes, scientific centers all over the country and international organizations for your cooperation and all-sided assistance.
Many thanks to Ministry of Health, Ministry of Training and Education ministry, Hanoi city and the related industries during the past fifty years of our University’s building and development
We would like to express our respectful sentiment and deep gratitude to the former and current staff, teachers with your intellectually enthusiastic dedications to the development of our University.
Now let me to conclude my speech by reciting a few words from the song by Tran Thanh Tung :” It took hundreds of years to struggle and build for today.
Glory to Ha noi college of pharmacy”
With respect I would like to wish all of our respectable visitors, teachers and the whole staff good health, success and happiness. Thank you.
Associate Professor, vice rector, Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, on behalf of the Management board is making a speech at the ceremony
