Announcing a decision to set up the Student Management Unit

On the morning of November 2, 2012, at the Conference Room No1, the University Management Board announced a decision to establish the Student Administration Unit.

The leaders of the University Board, the chairman of the Trade Union, the Youth Union Secretary; the chairman of the Student Union; heads of departments and the staff of the Student Administration Unit attended the event.
In recent years, part-time working units have been in charge of the management of students. Although the management has been implemented in accordance with regulation of the Ministry of Education & Training, the cooperation has not been effective enough. The establishment of the Student Administration Unit is to focus on a efficient implementation of the assigned tasks.
Speaking at the meeting, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Deputy Party Secretary, Vice Rector, on behalf of the leaders of the University congratulated and assigned tasks to the staff of the Student Administration Unit. He hoped that the newly appointed head and the staff would overcome difficulties to fulfill the responsibilities assigned.
Some photos
MSc. Le Phan Tuan, chief executive of the organization board, announced the decision to set up the Student Administration Unit
 Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Deputy Party Secretary, Vice Rector, on behalf of the leaders of the University congratulated the staff

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Deputy Party Secretary, Vice Rector, on behalf of the leaders of the University assigned the tasks for the Student Administration Unit

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thai An, Head of Student Administration Unit made a speech

The leaders had a photograph taken with the staff of Student Administration Unit

Representatives of units had a photograph taken with the staff of Student Administration Unit
