Tentative program for the NPT project Event Week (April 11, 2012)

Activity description
VN Staff
Dutch staff
04 June
C1&C2 workshop
Prof. Nam/ Dr. Ha/ VN PMU
Prof. Brouwers (if possible)
Included in the 2012 project work plan. Detail plan will be done by Prof. Nam and Dr. Ha
Meeting of the C1 Review Committee (Prof. Huyen, Prof. Thu and members from Hanoi and HCM) – if necessary
 Dr. Ha/ Dr. Hai
Included in the action plan for C1
05 June
C1 & C2 workshop
Included in the 2012 project work plan
Discussion on Quality Assurance
Prof. Tuyen / VN PMU
Dr Voskamp and Dr Schuiling
Added activity. Detail plan will be done by Prof. Tuyen and Dr. Voskamp
Discussion on Final Report
Mrs. Van/My/ Hanh Van
Dr. Wiebe and Geertje
Included in the PM1. Detail agenda will be done by Ms. My
06 June
Prof. Hoa/ VN PMU
All of Dutch members
Detail agenda will be finished by Prof. Nam/ Mrs. Van + Dr. Herman and Wiebe
07 June
Prof. Hoa/ VN PMU
All of Dutch members
Detail agenda will be finished by Prof. Nam/ Mrs. Van + Dr. Herman and Wiebe
Gala Dinner
All members
All members
Detail program will be drafted by Dr. Tuan - HUP
08 June
Round table discussion in establishing the clinical pharmacist network in Vietnam (morning)
Dr. Dung/ Dr. Huong
Prof. Brouwers
Follow up activity. Detail agenda will be drafted by Dr. Huong/ Dr. Hai
Round table discussion in Scientific research cooperation between UoG and 6 universities in Vietnam (morning)
Prof. Binh / HUP/ VNPMU
Prof Brouwers, Dr Woerdenbag and Prof Postma
Follow up cooperation program. Detail agenda will be done by Dr. Quyen / Dr. Hai
Semina on pharmacoeconomics (morning)
Prof. Postma
Detail agenda will be drafted by Department of Pharmacoeconomics
Project finalization and finance issue (afternoon)
Prof. Hoa/ VN PMU
Dr. Wiebe, Herman and Geertje
Detail agenda will be done by Mrs. Van
