Graduation and PhD, Master Degree Awarding Ceremony

On July 16, 2012 in Le Van Thiem Hall, Hanoi University of Pharmacy held the graduation ceremony for doctors andmasters of Pharmaceutical science (the 14thintake).

Attending the graduation ceremony ,from the Ministry of Health there wasPro.Dr Nguyen Cong Khan, Director of Science and training. From HUP, there were Asso Pro. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Vice Rector ; Asso Pro. Dr.Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, Vice Rector; Asso Pro. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Vice Rector as well asmany professors, associate professors, heads of departments, divisions, teachers and three new doctors,, 61 new Masters at the 13nd and 14th course.
In 2012, Rector of Hanoi University of Pharmacy signed the decision to recognize doctorate and master degrees for 3 post- graduates, and 61 graduate students who made successfully graduation papers.
In the speech at the ceremony, Asso Pro. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Vice Rector congratulated three new doctors and 61 new masters. Mr Hoa said “ youhave striven to overcome all difficulties and hard to get achievement today, the school leaders hope that after graduating, you willmakemoreeffort to transfer the scientific knowledge into practice to contribute to the growth of the pharmaceutical industry”
Graduation ceremony was held formally successfully.
Some photo
DrNguyen TuongVy, Deputy Head ofPostgraduate Department made a reportabout the 14thcourse and the result of post graduation in 2012
Asso Pro. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Vice Rector awarded certificates to the new masters who made ​​outstanding achievements in the course
Pro.Dr Nguyen Cong Khan, Director of Science for training, the Ministry of Health awarded degree to three new doctors
Asso Pro. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa, Vice Rector awarded degree to the new masters
Asso Pro. Dr. Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, Vice Rector awarded degree to the new masters
Asso Pro. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Vice Rector awarded degree to the new masters
Pro. Dr. Vo Xuan Minh, Former Vice Rector awarded degree to the new masters
Asso Pro. Dr. Le Thanh Phuoc, Former Vice Rector awarded degree to the new masters
