Hanoi University of Pharmacy

From its earliest days, HUP has always kept solid relations with universities and organizations in the Region and the world to strengthen and expand its international cooperation with both multi-lateral and bilateral frameworks. ​

Cultivating a network of international relations motivates HUP to improve teaching, research and study quality in the University. Especially, recent years have witnessed a great development in cooperation programs between HUP and its partners over the world. Close relationship with various international organizations is established. Numerous regional and international conferences and workshops with active participations of foreign lecturers, experts and researchers had been held at HUP.
The University now has developed relationships and co-operation with various international organizations such as: World Vision International, WHO, ADPC (Sweden), Ford Foundation Vietnam, Aus-AID and numerous foreign universities: Leiden and Groningen University (Holland); Curtin University, University of Sydney (Australia); Paris Descartes University, The University of Paris - Sud 11, The University Claude Bernard Lyon 1,University of Bordeaux Segalen (France); Mahidol and Chiangmai (Thailand); Chonnam National University Chung nam National University,Yeungnam University (Korea); University of California Berkeley (America); Tokyo Universities (Japan); Catholic University Leuven (Belgium), National University of Laos and Cambodia, etc.
In coming years, HUP encourages and highly appreciates international linkages for mutual benefits and the overall development of higher education.
For more information about HUP’s international network, please click “The list of HUP’s partners over the world”
For more information about HUP’s international network, please click “The list of HUP’s partners over the world”​​​​
1. Australia
Curtin University
University of Adelaide
University of Melbourne
University of Sydney
Austin Hospital
2. Belgium
KU Leven
The Catholic University of Louvain
Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI)
3. Cambodia
National University of Cambodia
4. China
China Medical University
Nanjing University
Kunming Botanical Garden
Sisoongbana Botanic Garden
Sichuan Gooddoctor pharmaceutical co.,ltd
Fuda Cancer Hospital
Guilin Medical University
Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University
5. Czech
Institute of Chemical Technology Prague
Tesoro Spin off, Prague
6. France
Paris Descartes University
The University of Paris - Sud 11
The University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
University of Bordeaux Segalen
Paul Sabatier University
Aix Marseille University
University of Caen Basse - Normandie
Montpelier 1 University
Cosmetic Valley
Pierre Fabre Médicament, Boulogne
7. Hongkong
Hongkong Polytechnic University
8. Indonesia
Indonesia Botanic Garden
9. Italia
Sapienza First Roma University
University of Turin
University of Ferrara
University of Trieste
10. Japan
Kanazawa University
Kitasato University
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Kyoto University
11. Korea
Chonnam National University
Chungnam National University
Yeungnam University
Sungkyunkwan University
Sookmyung Women's University
Chung-Ang University
Ajou University
Seoul National University
Yonsei University
CJ Pharmaceutical Company
Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company
Samsung C&T Corporation
Korean United Pharma Company
12. Laos
National University of Laos
Traditional and Medicine Research Centre, Vietien
13. Malaysia
14. Mongolia
15. Netherlands
University of Groningen
Leiden University
16. New Zealand
Otago University
17. Singapore
National University of Singapore
Singapore Botanic Garden
18. Sweden
University of Gotheburg
Uppsala University
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
19. Taiwan
China Medical University
National Tsing Hua University
20. Thailand
University of Chiangmai
University of Mahidol
University of Chulalongkorn
University of Rangsit
21. Ukraina
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
22. United Kingdom
University of Strathclyde
University of Aston
University of Edinburg
23. United State
University of California, San Francisco
Organisation of Management Sciences for Health
U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention
Drug Information Center, University of Pittburg
The University of Hawai’i
Drake University
University of Georgia
Missouri Botanic Garden
San Francisco's Botanic Garden
24. International Organizations
World Vision
Ford Foundation in Vietnam and Thailand
International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP)
Australian Government Overseas Aid Program (AusAID)
World health organization (WHO)
Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) Pharmacien sans frontier
International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
Wallonie Bruxelles International
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
25. Embassies in Vietnam
French Embassy in Hanoi Noi
Embassy of the United State
Embassy of Belgium in Hanoi
Laos Embassy, Vietnam
Cambodia Embassy in Vietnam
Australian Embassy in Vietnam
Embassy of Bulgaria in Hanoi
Netherlands Embassy in Hanoi
British Embassy, Hanoi
Embassy of Mongolia in Hanoi​​
