General Information of project: Development and application of dry coating technology to prepare tablets containing berberin for colon targeting, sponsored by VLIR

A.Country and region of the project ( + name of the research platform - only for Uganda)

Hanoi, Vietnam

B. Project title

Development and application of dry coating technology to prepare tablets containing berberin for colon targeting

C. Project duration (max. 2 years)

Two years

D. Expected date of project start (not before April 2014)

October 2014

E. Applying partner institute (leading partner)

·Name institute

Department of Pharmaceutics, Hanoi University of Pharmacy, Vietnam

·Website of the institute

·Name of the local promoter

Address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the local promoter

Associate Prof. Dr. Pham Thi Minh Hue

Department of Pharmaceutics

Hanoi University of Pharmacy, 13-15 Le Thanh Tong, HoanKiem, VIETNAM

Tel.: +84-38264990

Mobile: +84-982152969


·Name of the authority of the institute (e.g. Rector, Vice-Chancellor)

Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa

Rector of Hanoi University of Pharmacy

·Private or public institute?

Public university

F. Involvement of other partner institute(s) (supporting partner(s)) (if applicable)

G. Applying Flemish university/ university college

·University/ University college, faculty, department

Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven

·Name of the promoter

Address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the promoter

Prof. Dr. G. Van den Mooter

Drug Delivery and Disposition

Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences

University of Leuven; Campus Gasthuisberg O+N2; Herestraat 49 b921

3000 Leuven; BELGIUM

Tel.: +32 16 330 304 fax: +32 16 330 305

Mobile: +32 473 356 132


·Name of the copromoter (if applicable)

Not applicable

Address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the copromoter (if applicable)

·Name of the person who is responsible for the implementation of the project (if different from promoter or copromoter)

Address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the person who is responsible for the execution of the project (if different from promoter or copromoter)

·Financial/ administrative project officer (if applicable)

Address, phone, fax and e-mail address of the financial/ administrative project officer (if applicable)

H. Involvement of other Flemish universities/ university colleges (if applicable)

Not applicable

I. Total budget requested from VLIR-UOS (in € for the full duration of the project) (in principle max. € 75.000)

·Total indicative budget (indicative): € 74802

·Budget divided over the different budget lines

A. Investment costs (max. 25% of the budget): € 17500

B. Operational costs: € 19000

C. Personnel costs (max. 25% of the budget): € 14500

D. Scholarship costs: € 17000

E.1. Coordination costs for Flemish institution (5% lump sum from A to D): € 3401

E.2. Coordination costs for local partner institution(s) (5% lump sum from A to D): € 3401

J. Signature of the local promoter Signature of the Flemish promoter​

Detailed Information included in the attachment file:

Annex 1_Format project proposal-en.pdfAnnex 1_Format project proposal-en.pdf
