Student Mobility Program in Hanoi University of Pharmacy, Vietnam

 The first student mobility program in Vietnam started in this summer break, from 2nd July to 12th July 2018. The journey to Vietnam is explored by four UKM forth year students. It has been our honour to join this mobility program, together with two Thai students from Mahidol University. On the first day, we had a brief introduction session with Ms My from the International Relations Department in Hanoi University of Pharmacy (HUP) as well as the delegates from Mahidol University. 


Xin chào! The first student mobility program in Vietnam started in this summer break, from 2nd July to 12th July 2018. The journey to Vietnam is explored by four UKM forth year students. It has been our honour to join this mobility program, together with two Thai students from Mahidol University. On the first day, we had a brief introduction session with Ms My from the International Relations Department in Hanoi University of Pharmacy (HUP) as well as the delegates from Mahidol University. 

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A group photo taken together with the delegates from Mahidol University, Thailand.

Basically, we studied about the overview of Vietnamese healthcare system in the Pharmacoeconomics Department, associated with a visit to the pharmaceutical wholesale market during the first week. In that department, we attended the lectures together with 16 Vietnamese students. Besides having the knowledge sharing session led by the lecturers from HUP, we had also involved in some interactive sessions such as group discussions about differences in the healthcare systems in Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand. It was great to have an exchange of ideas with each other so that all of us had a quick overview about the pharmacy system in different countries.​ 

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Photo taken with Ms My and Mr Nam

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Photo taken with Dr Lien.

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A group photo with Mr Hoang.

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Photo taken while having group discussion in the class.

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Observational visit to the Pharmaceutical Wholesale Market.

For the second week, in general, we learnt about Vietnamese Traditional Medicines in the Traditional Pharmacy Department and had a chance to visit Nam Dược, a Vietnamese traditional medicine factory. During the lessons, we were exposed to the basic theories used in the practice of Vietnamese Traditional Medicines. Meanwhile, the observational visit to Nam Dược is considered as an eye-opener for us as it is our first time visiting a traditional medicine factory. While on the way going to the factory, we dropped by at the Kumquat plantation farm owned by Nam Dược which is located in the middle of a river. During our visit to the factory, we had the opportunity to observe the quality control, manufacturing, packaging and storage of the traditional medicine products. 

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Photo taken with the lecturers from the Traditional Pharmacy Department, HUP.

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Visit to the Nam Dược Kumquat plantation farm
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Visit to the Nam Dược manufacturing site.​

Throughout the two-week programme in HUP, we managed to gain additional knowledge and exposures about the local healthcare system as well as the Vietnamese Traditional Medicines. Other than that, we felt happy for being able to make new friends from Vietnam. All of the Vietnamese friends are very welcoming and we truly enjoyed every single moment spent together with them. Our friends had recommended a variety of local Vietnamese food such as rice noodles, spring rolls, desserts known as Che and many other delicious cuisines to us. At the same time, we also learned about Vietnamese cultures and some simple Vietnamese words from our friends. During the weekend and our free time after class, we had also visited some places nearby Ha Noi such as Ha Noi Old Quarter streets, Bat Trang Ceramic Village, Women’s Museum and Vietnamese Traditional House. On the last day, a farewell party which was prepared by our Vietnamese friends marked the end of our stay in Ha Noi.

As a last word to say, we appreciate a lot for the kind hospitality provided by the lecturers and Vietnamese friends from HUP. Because of them, we had an unforgettable and wonderful summer break in Vietnam. Thank you for everything and we believe that all the sweet memories will never fade. Cảm ơn nhiều!​

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Weekend trip to the Bat Trang Ceramic Village with our Vietnamese friends.

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Visit to the Women’s Museum with Vietnamese friends.

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Outing with Vietnamese friends.


Outing with Vietnamese friends.


Photo taken while receiving souvenirs given by HUP.


Farewell Party with Vietnamese, Thailand and Malaysian cuisines.


Group photo taken in the farewell party.
