UK GAMRIF call for EOIs: Development of alternatives to traditional antibiotics (Deadline: 8 June)

This is specifically for those involved indrug and medical product development, including SMEs/biotechs and academic researchers working in the field of AMR and/or vaccines for humans.

The GAMRIF will be investing up to £20m GBP of Official Development Assistance (ODA) into theCARB-X partnership, alongside up to $25m USD the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (seehere). This supplements substantial existing investments from the US Government (through BARDA) and the Wellcome Trust.
CARB-X supports early development of innovative products withindirect-acting therapeutics for Gram-negative infections, diagnostics, prevention (includes vaccines, antibodies, microbiome, devices, etc.), indirect acting therapeutics, and direct-acting therapeutics for Gram-positive infections.The focus will be on the following areas of the product development pipeline:
GAMRIF is focussed on projects (or work packages of projects) which support the economic development and welfare of developing countries through Official Development Assistance (ODA). If a program is selected by the CARBX for investment, part of the funding for a project could come from GAMRIF funds which will be focused on those projects which:
1. comply with ODA eligibility requirements and
2. meet the following GAMRIF scope: development ofalternatives to traditional antibiotics(as defined in Czaplewski et al, Lancet 2016)including vaccines for infection prevention.The scope of the UK GAMRIF funds does not include diagnostics/devices.
This call is open today (1 June).Applicants must register theirExpression of Interest (EoI)with CARB-X by8 June.If researchers don’t submit their EOI, they will not be able to apply at the next stage. Short and long-form application stages will follow.
In the EOI form, applicants will be requested to indicate whether the intent of their project, or a portion of it, aligns with the ODA requirements and a detailed justification of the rationale for the eligibility is to be provided at the Short Form stage.
CARB-X can support products under development in academic or non-commercial drug development centres, but organizations with a track record of transitioning products from pre-clinical development to clinical research are of particular interest.
For details of the scope and eligibility for competition please see the CARB-X website here: you have questions please
