Doctor Dissertation OF Thu Nguyen Thi Nguyet

Dissertation name: “Extraction, analysis of aflatoxins in food and herbal medicines by immunoaffinity chromatography combined with high-performance liquid chromatography”.

Dissertation name: Extraction, analysis of aflatoxins in food and herbal medicines by immunoaffinity chromatography combined with high-performance liquid chromatography”
Specialized in: Drug Quality Control Code:
Name of PhD. candidate: Nguyễn Thị Nguyệt Thu
Under the scientific supervision of:
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trịnh Văn Quỳ
2. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Lê Trang
Institution: Hanoi University of Pharmacy.
Summary of new aspects of the thesis:
- We have developped an immunoaffinity column for testing aflatoxins (AFs) in food and herbal medicines.
- The column capacities were ³ 100 ng for AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and > 50 ng for AFG2. The intra-batch reproducibilitywas good (CV<20%). The column was in stability for 2 years.
- The columnefficiencywas assessedonfoodandherbal matrices by using our column for cleanup and HPLCwithfluorescence detection. The results showed thataflatoxins were captured selectively on our column, almost no interference can be detected in the chromatogram. LOD and LOQ of the method were ³1ppb, satisfied the requirements for testing aflatoxins in food and herbal medicines.
- In the respect of selectivity and quantitation, our IAC was much better than SPE C18 column and equivalent with the IAC-Vicam.

​​ Dissertation Abstract_Thu Nguyen Thi Nguyet.docDissertation Abstract_Thu Nguyen Thi Nguyet.doc
