“Strengthening the capacity of lecturers in teaching of pharmacy practice in primary health care"

Project Coordinator Agency for Wallonie- Bruxelles
Project Coordinator Agency for Viet Nam
Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI)
Ministry of Health
Implementation Agency for Wallonie-Bruxelles
Implementation Agency for Viet Nam
Pharmacy Department of Liege University
Ha Noi University of Pharmacy

Project Brief:
This project aims to strengthen drug use in Vietnam via the implementation of the principles of pharmacy practice in community, drug treatment and drug use by improving the training capacity of lecturers on pharmacy practice in primary health care.
The main activities of this project focus on training programs on pharmacy practice in primary health care (related to community pharmacy, drug treatment, drug counseling and communication skills at pharmacies.
Beneficiaries of the project: Lecturers from the medical and pharmaceutical universities, clinical pharmacists, community pharmacists and family doctors related to pharmacy practice in primary health care.
Most of Vietnamese people have low income, or average, and have a habit of buying drugs at community pharmacies by themselves without a doctor's prescription when their diseases are not serious. However, the system of pharmacy practice in primary health care in Vietnam is still incomplete and ineffective, particularly on manpower issue. In community pharmacies, there have been lack of pharmacists who have enough capacity to consult for drug use.
Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity for pharmacists at primary health care facilities. The subjects such as community pharmacy, counseling for drug use, communication skills at pharmacies have recently been taught at training facilities since the past few years in order to innovate and meet the requirements of society and the development of pharmaceutical technologies in the country and the world. The role of pharmacists in primary health care should also be reviewed with the aim of improving the health of people and communities.
Specific objectives/ implementation
- Enhance the awareness and professional competence of pharmacists.
- Strengthen training capacity on pharmacy practice in primary health care.
- Develop the procedures of pharmacy practice in primary health care.
- Develop pilot training modules on pharmacy practice, counseling for drug use, communication skills with patients at community pharmacies. Counseling for drug use aims to improve patients’ adherence to medications in communities and reduce medication errors.
- Empower the link between family doctors and community pharmacists. Combine the improvement of training programs and the development of standard procedures in pharmacy practice to strengthen patients’ health education.
Expected outcomes at the end of the cooperation program in the period of 2016-2018
- The lecturers and pharmacists who participate in training on pharmacy practice in primary health care will be more capable in drug therapy for community after the theory and practice training provided by Belgian experts.
- The standard procedures on pharmacy practice in primary care will be provided.
-The modules of training on pharmacy practice for related groups will be proposed, firstly for the pharmacists working at primary health care, followed by the development of teaching contents for pharmacy students.
Financial contribution
Contribution of WBI
Each year
8 days/trip for 2 Belgian experts within Vietnam.
10days/trip for 2 Vietnamese officials within Belgium.
4 trips each year within Vietnam.
The contribution of the Vietnamese side:
All travel expenses of Vietnam officials.
