Graduation Degree Awarding Ceremony for the 3rd course Mekong Pharma Masters (2014 - 2016)
In the morning of 15 th November 2016, Ha Noi University of Pharmacy in collaboration with Pierre Fabre Foundation and the Embassy of France in Vietnam held thePharmacy Master Degree Awarding Ceremonyissued by the University of Paris Descartes and University of Toulouse Paul Sabatier for master candidates of 3rd promotion( 2014 -2016 ) - the transregional Mekong Pharma Masterprogram for students fromVietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
Attending the ceremony, there were Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa – HUP Rector; Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, HUP Vice-Rector; Mr. Alain Dorie - Medical attaché Embassy of France in Vietnam; Ms. Beatrice Garette - CEO and Ms. Florence Delcher - Coordinator of Pierre Fabre Foundation programs; Ms Le Thi Minh Hong - representative of Francophone Universities (AUF); master candidates ofthe 3rdMekong pharmapromotion as well as lecturers andassistant lecturers/ tutors/ preceptorsof this program.
The transregional MekongPharma Masterprogram has received financial support from Pierre Fabre Foundation with the aim to train pharmacists at master level for three Indochina countries: Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The program has been provided by University of Paris Descartes in association with University of AIX- Marseille, Toulouse Paul Sabatier University and Hanoi University of Pharmacy. In the 3rdCourse, there were 17 students including 5 Vietnamese, 4 Laos and 8 Cambodia students.
In the first year, students studied 15 subjects taught by French lecturers at University of Health Science - Laos in which 6 subjects were taught by lecturers of Toulouse University; 3 subjects by lecturers of Marseille and 3 subjects by lecturers of Paris Descartes with the assistance of other lecturers coming from Amien and Anger Universities.
In the second year, there were only 15 students left (because two candidates could not satisfy the standards to continue M2 program). The subjects were divided into 3 professional ones consisting of Testing and Drug Quality Assurance which was taught in Hanoi University of Pharmacy with 7 students (2 Vietnamese and 5 Cambodia students). They learned 6 subjects taught by 4 lecturers ofParis Descartes University. The community pharmacy was taught in Laos for 6 students (2 Vietnames, 3 Laos and 1 Cambodia). They were taught 6 subjects by 4 lecturers come from Paris Descartes University. Pharmacology was taught in Marseille for 2 students (1 Vietnamese and 1 Cambodia student) with total 8 subjects taught by Marseille lecturers.
After 2 years studying, under the instruction of French trainers, all Vietnamese students successfully completed the training program and received degree issued by the French universities. Especially, 2 Vietnamese among students having the highest point were allowed to practice in France for 6 months.
The graduation ceremony this year was held in a formal atmosphere of Celebration of 102 – year tradition of pharmacists training, 55 years of construction and development of Ha Noi University of Pharmacy. This is the foundation to build up the success of graduation ceremony today. Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa - Rector thanked the participation and generous support of all the partners for the program:Embassy of France in Vietnam; Pierre Fabre Foundation Funds, AUF,University of Paris Descartes, University AIX- Marseille, Toulouse Paul Sabatier University, University of Health Sciences of Laos, University of Health Sciences of Cambodia.Although the number of students attending courses haven't increased recently but the training quality has improved a lot. Some trainers from Asian countries were invited as tutors and contributed their capacities in the field of implementation/organization on postgraduate teaching programs to meet the international standards. The Rector believed that, in the future, there would be many more good students to enroll this course and Vietnamese lecturers could be able to undertake entirely of training program in the near future.
Ms. Beatrice Garette - Pierre Fabre Foundation CEO - highly appreciated the meaning and results of the program as the fund expected.It is honorable for graduates to be awarded degree by Mr. Alain Dorie - medical attaché Embassy of France in Vietnam.
Student Nguyen Thu Trang, a fresh master student - on behalf of students receiving degree conveyed her sincerest thanks to the lecturers of the French Universities and the three Indochinese countries and also thanked the support of Pierre Fabre Foundation, Ambassador French, AUF. She also emphasized that this course provided the students with the latest knowledge from the leading French universities in Pharmacy.
The success of the course is not only to train the leading pharmacy professionals but also to create the bridge for pharmacists among three Indochinese countries. The Pierre Fabre Foundation commited to continue opening the training courses to contribute to the community as its initial goals.

Asso.Prof.,Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa- Secretary of the Party Committee – Rector gave speech at the ceremony

View of the MekongPharmacy Master Degree Awarding Ceremony

Mr Alain Dorie-Health attche of Rebublic of France in Vietnam &Ms Beatrice Garette - Pierre Fabre Foundation CEOawarded degree to the students

Student Nguyen Thu Trang, a fresh master student - on behalf of students receiving degree made speech.

Asso.Prof.,Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa and Ms Beatrice Garette received gift of new masters

Group photos