Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between Hanoi University of Pharmacy and the Chungnam National University, Korea

Within framework of the AFPS Pharmaceutical Science Conference and sub events, on the afternoon of November 9th 2023, the delegation from Chungnam National University (CNU), Korea led by Prof. Sang Kyum Kim, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy paid a working visit to Hanoi University of Pharmacy.

Chungnam National University (CNU), was founded in 1952, with the educational motto "Creativity, Development and Service to the Community". In its nearly 70-year history of proud development, Chungnam National University has actively contributed to the development of South Korean education and is regarded as one of the leading educational institutions in South Korea with modern facilities, pioneering education quality and reputable outcomes.

On the side of Hanoi University of Pharmacy, there was the presence of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hai Nam - Rector, along with representatives of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Department of Student Affairs – Clinics and Department of Science Technology – Development Cooperation to warmly welcome the delegation.

After discussions, both parties reached a consensus on prioritizing cooperation in education and research in the upcoming period of time, including: (i) Lecturers and Students Exchanges;  (ii) Collaboration in the implementation of scientific research, co-supervisors and join international publications; prioritizing cooperation and establishing a joint research lab between the two universities at Hanoi University of Pharmacy campus located in Bac Ninh province.

Following that was the signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between Hanoi University of Pharmacy (HUP) and Chungnam National University, South Korea (CNU). The ceremony was successfully conducted.

After the signing ceremony, the delegation continued to visit the Faculty of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and the Faculty of Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine, including the botanical garden of HUP. In here, the delegation was warmly welcomed by staff and lecturers of these units who passionately introduced the academic orientation, some current science reseach, some machinery and equipments serving the learning and teaching purposes in the University.

At the end of the visit, Prof. Dr Sang Kyum Kim, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Chung Nam National University, on behalf of the delegation, expressed his deep gratitude for the warm welcome of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hai Nam, Rector of Hanoi University of Pharmacy along with all university staff and hoped that the cooperation between the 2 parties in training and scientific research would be strengthened in the coming period.
