Review meetings on International Cooperation activities in 2020 and proposal orientation 2021

With the aim of improving the quality and gradually improving university governance, on the morning of March 2, 2021, Hanoi University of Pharmacy held a meeting to review the international cooperation activities in 2020 and proposed the orientation of some focus activities in 2021. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the University Council; Assoc. Prof. Dinh Thi Thanh Hai, Vice Rector, Responsible and Executive; MSc. Pham Van Quyen, Vice Rector; together with the Heads / in charge of units and departments having international cooperation activities and the coordinator of cooperation projects and programs.


With the aim of improving the quality and gradually improving university governance, on the morning of March 2, 2021, Hanoi University of Pharmacy held a meeting to review the international cooperation activities in 2020 and proposed the orientation of some focus activities in 2021. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the University Council; Assoc. Prof. Dinh Thi Thanh Hai, Vice Rector, Responsible and Executive; MSc. Pham Van Quyen, Vice Rector; together with the Heads / in charge of units and departments having international cooperation activities and the coordinator of cooperation projects and programs.


At the meeting, MSc. Dinh Thi Hien Van, Head of International Cooperation Department presented on result of international cooperation activities in 2020 by Hanoi University of Pharmacy, summarized the feedback of HUP’s departments or units on their International cooperation activities and proposed some key contents which will implement in 2021. Representatives of project management units, cooperation programs; units having international cooperation activities updated progress and shared difficulties and problems encountering during the implementation.


MSc. Dinh Thi Hien Van, Head of International Cooperation Department presented on the results of international cooperation activities in 2020

On behalf of the University Leaders, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh and Assoc.Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Hai made a statement of orientation and direction at the meeting, specifically:

- Recognizing the efforts of units, project management units & cooperation programs and individuals who have completed the key tasks of the plan for international cooperation 2020.

- With the goal of integrated education contributing to the implementation of the university development strategies period 2021-2030 and vision 2045, some key contents of international cooperation activities in 2021 need to focus on as follows:

+ For training: propose implementing an advanced program or transitional education program; Increase the efficiency of the exchange program of lecturers and students; Improve Teaching-Learning capacity of lecturers and students

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the University Council made a speech

 Assoc. Prof. Dinh Thi Thanh Hai, Vice Rector, Responsible and Executive made a speech

+ For scientific research: Contribute to improving research capacity for faculties, researchers and students of the University; Contribute to increasing the number of international articles at the University.

+ For university governance: Learn and share experiences of international partners about an advanced university governance system; Contribute to improving the internal capacity and capacity of the university in terms of facilities and equipment, materials, database and university governance skills.

Based on the comments and directions at the meeting, based on the draft of 5 medium-term strategies of the university on training, science and technology, quality assurance, human resources and finance, the International Relations Department was assigned tasks to propose medium-term strategies 2021-2025 then submitting to Hanoi University of Pharmacy for consideration and used as a basis for the implementation and integration of the university's education.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Hong Quang-Vice Head in charge of Postgraduate Department made a speech.
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hai Nam made a speech.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Van On made a speech.
