Hanoi University of Pharmacy in top of 30 leading research universities in Viet Nam

Viet Nam University Ranking 2019 by UPM (University Performance Metrics) was published in the morning of January 2nd 2020. The evaluation criterions include: (i) The research scope – the total number of integrated articles which duplicates after filtering from 2 databases sources of Web of Science and Scopus of Universities published in the period of 2015-2019 (accounting for 45%); (ii) The productivity of research – average index of articles per lecturer and researcher (accounting for 25%); (iii) The quality of research – average citation index collected in 2019 for articles published in the period of 2014-2015 (accounting for 25%); (iv) The Internal publication index – the percentage of articles written by Vietnamese authors (accounting for 5%).

1. Overall ranking of research indicators: Hanoi University of Pharmacy ranked 24th​

2. Ranking according to published articles index: Hanoi University of Pharmacy ranked 30th​

3. Ranking average number of articles per lecturer: Hanoi University of Pharmacy ranked 7th

4. Ranking average index of articles per lecturer: Hanoi University of Pharmacy ranked 23rd

5. Ranking Internal publication index: Hanoi University of Pharmacy ranked 29th​​​

1. Xếp hạng tổng thể chỉ số nghiên cứu: Trường đứng thứ 24
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2. Theo xếp hạng chỉ số quy mô công bố: Trường đứng thứ 30
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3. Xếp hạng chỉ số bài báo trung bình trên giảng viên: Trường đứng thứ 7
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4. Xếp hạng chỉ số trích dẫn trung bình: Trường đứng thứ 23
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5. Xếp hạng chỉ số nghiên cứu nội lực: Trường đứng thứ 29
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